Application Form to the Festival – Contest

5 – 10 December 2014
Dear Friends!
You are welcome to take part in the International Festival – Contest “The Light of Christmas Star” to be held in Finland on December 5-10, 2014.
Festival – Contest is patronized by the “Universal Peace Federation”.
The festival will embrace the work of the Youth Peace Council of the Baltic countries, the one established during the First Festival –Contest “The Light of Christmas Star”.
I. The founders and organizers
The founders of the International Festival - Contest "THE LIGHT of CHRISTMAS STAR" are the following:
- The Universal Peace Federation - is a non-governmental organization with a special consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the UNO Universal Peace Federation, UPF
- The Union of Russian communities in Sweden under the support by the Russian Embassy in Sweden, Sweden
- The Fund of artist Mikhail Shemyakin, St. Petersburg
- International Women's Club ZONTA CLUB "ST.PETERSBURG-NEVA", St. Petersburg
- International project of creative development for children and youth "CHILDREN OF THE XXI CENTURY" - (Co. Lt.) OOO "Piramida-Tour", Moscow
- International project "Baltic Festival":
• (Co. Lt.) ООО BALTFEST, St. Petersburg
• (Co. Lt.) OOO "T.K."AXIOMA", St. Petersburg
II. Aims and objectives of the Festival - Contest
Expanding contacts between the Baltic States and Russia based on common European values by means of the youth diplomacy.
Exchanging experience and artistic achievements between creative artistic groups of Russia and the ones in the other countries.
Promoting peacemaking concept of "Peace in mind - peace in the family - social peace - peace in the world."
Creating atmosphere of memorable celebration of creativeness.
III. Participants of the Festival - Contest
The competition is open and accessible to everyone aged 6 and older.
Any creative artistic groups, as well as individual artists either from the cities of Russia or from the CIS and foreign countries are welcome to take part in the contest.
The contest is held for age categories:
- 6 – 9 years old
- 10-12 years old
- 13-15 years old
- 16- 18 years old
- Over 18 years old
- Mixed aged groups
IV. Conditions of participation and competition procedures:
The contest is held in the following categories:
• Choreography
- Classic dance and stylization;
- Folk dance (dances of peoples of the world, folk stylization);
- Sports dance (dancing with either some elements of athletic choreography or acrobatics, hip-hop, rock and roll, break);
- Variety dance with some modern trends in choreography (jazz, modern, step, free plastic);
- Children's dance (including rhythm and gymnastics).
- Variety Singing (solo, duet, trio, ensemble);
- Academic Singing (solo, duet, trio, ensemble);
- Folk songs and folklore
- Instrumental creative works - classical, folk, pop, jazz music (soloists, ensembles, orchestras);
- Button accordion, accordion;
- The strings and stringed musical instruments played by plucking (psaltery, dulcimer, acoustic guitar, domra, balalaika, etc.);
- The wind instruments (block-flute, flute, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, etc.);
- The string and bow instruments (violin, viola, cello);
- Piano;
- Synthesizer.
- Theater companies, working mainly in direction of clowning, classical mime, street theater, theater - buffoonery, plastic improvisation, theater of small forms, the puppet theater;
- Choral ensembles;
- Circus Arts;
- Theater of Vogue;
- Artistic skills - painting, graphics, plastic in small forms, decorative and applied arts and photography (Christmas theme is welcomed).
- Family creative work - all genres of creativity by family performing.
A special nomination of the Festival:
Young Ambassador of Peace - a leader, peacemaker striving to serve people and put his/her strength into projects for the others’ good.
Mandatory requirements for participants in this nomination:
- in all the events of the Festival "The Light of Christmas Star".
- in the work of International Youth Peace Council.
The competition will cover:
- Master-class;
- Exhibition of art works;
- Business game "Country of the Future”.
Conditions of participation in the Contest:
To take part in the competition a participant should submit an application of a standard form (see Appendix 1) to the Organizing Committee before October 15, 2014 by fax: +7-911-0999-773
or by e-mail -
Website of the Festival is
Inquiries by tel. +7-911-0999-773, +7-911-975-87-24 (24 hours)
The original document of application is submitted to the Organizing Committee upon a participant’s arrival.
To apply for the competition on children’s behalf is of equal rights for parents, legal representatives, teachers, and instructors of educational institutions, cultural institutions, youth clubs, music schools and other institutions.
The decision of the Organizing Committee for groups and some individual performers to participate in the Festival will be made until October 31, 2011.
V. Requirements for taking part in the Festival - Contest
- The duration of the competition program for artistic groups should not exceed 7 minutes in one nomination.
- The artistic group can take part in several competitive categories.
- All the participants are granted to have a free choice of the competitive program.
When choosing a competitive program, one is welcome to works by composer Sergei Slonimsky.
- Each performer in the genre of "small forms" is to competing with 2 diverse works, the duration of each shall not exceed 5 minutes.
- One must not use audio cassettes and music of "karaoke" system, as well phonograms "+" in the contest.
Soloists have the right to use backing vocals (recorded or alive) in their performance only as a harmonic support. In the phonogram it is prohibited to duplicate a soloist’s party in the form of a single supporting voice.
- It is possible to change the time limit for competitive performances in accord with the Organizing Committee of the Festival - Contest.
- The Organizing Committee has the right to change the time limit either extending or cutting duration of a performance upon a number of participants.
- The organizing committee keeps the right to shorten the performance of a participant, in case a stated time of the composition is exceeded.
ATTENTION!!! Music accompaniment - the soundtrack – is to be recorded on a CD-R disk (audio - format) or on a MD disk with the perfect sound quality. (MP3 and sound records onto CD-RW and DVD disks and etc. are NOT suitable for a competitive and concert program). Each recording must be on a separate medium marked with the name of an artistic group or with the first and last names of an artist, the name of one’s musical composition and timing of the recording. Discs of a recording with the competitive (performance) presentation should be submitted to the organizers of the Contest until November 15, 2011.
6. In the nomination of "Artistic craftsmanship" a contestant should present no more than two art works. In addition, the participant may submit his works for the exhibition.
Requirements for registration of art works are presented in Appendix 2.
6.1. One should send some photos of competitive art works to the Organizing Committee until 11/15/2011.
6.2. The art works are delivered to the Contest by one's own and submitted to the chairman of the jury upon arrival. Works preservation is guaranteed.
The Organizing Committee provides the rehearsals up to 10 minutes for all participants, according to a schedule for the contestants to have them one day before the competition. For those ones who have missed his/her rehearsal for unreasonable excuse, the Contest organizers have the right not to grant them with extra time.
Heads of delegations are fully responsible for the lives and health of members of their artistic groups (Appendix 3).
Participants are personally responsible for their own costumes, props and personal belongings.
Members and the chairmen of the jury are assigned by the Organizing Committee.
Jurors are the honored cultural workers of European countries.
Jurors can not be instructors of participants, producers.
The jury evaluates the performance of the participants on a 10-point system.
Jury sessions are closed.
The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.
The jury reserves the right to award the participants with special prizes.
The jury has the right to disqualify participants who do not meet the Regulations.
- All participants of the Festival-Contest are rewarded with Diplomas of participants.
- In the finals the winners are nominated in each category and the prize-winners are rewarded with Diplomas of the first, second, third degree.
Prize-winners of the first-degree are rewarded with special prizes.
Awarding Diplomas to prize-winners of various degrees is regardless of the number of participants in the nomination and depends only on the level of the participant’s mastery.
The best participant having shown a high level of mastery, artistry, originality, artistic taste and culture is given the title: the Grand-Prix Holder, and is rewarded with the main prize of the Festival - Contest ─ «THE LARGE CRYSTAL STAR" and a cash bonus.
Concert halls in Finland and Sweden.
- To participate in the Contest one should remit the registration fee of 1500 rubles (the equivalent of 30 euro) per person, including accompanying persons to the account of the Festival.
- Soloists additionally shall remit 1500 rubles (the equivalent of 30 euro) to the account of the Festival.
- With participating of an artistic group in 2 or more nominations, including performance in various aged categories, the fee supplement shall be 1500 rubles (the equivalent of 30 euro) per a participant and for each nomination and age category, but not more than 5000 rubles (the equivalent of 100 euro).
The exempt from the registration fee are the following:
- The head of the artistic group which numbers no less than 10 people.
- The certificate Holders of the project “Baltic Festival”.
- The participants of the Festival-Contest "The Light of Christmas star" of 2009, of 2010, the awarded of certificates "Young Ambassador of Peace"
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to exempt from paying the registration fee in the exceptional cases.
The Fee must be accepted on the account of the Festival -Contest until November 9.
Х. The Organizing Committee
The Organizing Committee undertakes the following commitments:
1. Organizing and conducting the Festival according to the present Regulations.
2. Placing information about the Festival - Contest, and the results of the Festival-Contest in the media in Russia, Finland and Sweden.
3. Providing transport services (bus leasing and accommodation on the ferry), accommodation services in hotels within the Festival time, organizing excursions according to a chosen program.
4. Assisting in preparing the documents required for staying in Finland and Sweden. Documents should be submitted to the Organizing Committee no later than November 15, 2011. Requirements for visa application are listed in Appendix № 4.